Bringing a Baby to a Knights Football Game: 5 Tips and Tricks! 

The First for Many things

This season has been the first for many things, but the two most notable are it being the first season in the Big 12, and the first season I’ve brought my 14-month-old, very mobile baby to a knights football game!

Emily and her Baby. Smile for a Knights Football Game!

I’m sure many of you have been here, but once this girl learned to walk, she is very much not content being restrained (aka very nicely being held by her mama). This poses an interesting challenge when taking her to a four-plus-hour sporting event.

Don’t get me wrong; she loves it! She screams and yells and waves her hand already with the 3rd down bells! Oh, and let’s not forget her love for the stadium’s new light show! But it comes down to preparation, both mental and physical. Here are a few of my tips on how to keep your mobile baby happy at the game!

5 Tips and Tricks For Bringing A Baby To a Knights Football Game

1. Use Tailgate Time Wisely!

IOA Plaza, Baby running around having UCF fun!

I can’t say my baby really runs out of energy before the game, but it does help to get the walking out of her system. Walking around tailgating can be a bit tricky; honestly, I’ve never let her down in Memory Mall… seems like a drunk, terrible accident waiting to happen, but IOA Plaza, once the concert is cleared out, is an amazing spot to let them run around.

Oh, and make sure to stop by that bubble truck party!

2. Bring Snacks!

Security does not care if your bag is filled with baby snacks! Also, bring a mini cooler to hold sippy cups and bottles of milk. Of course, pack smart; nothing that melts, and try your best to think about things that will not end up sticky or super messy.

I go for my classics of applesauce pouches and Gerber’s baby banana puffs!

Also, lots and lots of water!

3. Always Bring Your Stuffed Knightro!

Always Bring Your Stuffed Knightro!

Okay, so it’s more like always bring something to entertain them with! I am a strict no-phones/screens lady in public spaces, so you won’t see my kids with a phone in a restaurant or an iPad at a football game.

I admit I think about it a lot, but overall, I want to raise present children. This being said, my little baby has a stuffed Knightro that she loves playing with, and he joins us at every game.

4. Pick Your Seats Wisely!

The Mexican Knight, Bearcat Knight, and Baby at a Knights Football Game

Seats can make or break the experience, honestly, and they are going to depend on your needs, but I would have to say, for my baby, the best seats are at the end of the row.

Yeah, you might have to get up and down for other people to come in and out, but it also gives you the grace to take your baby out for a quick walk. I myself am a chronic people pleaser, and constantly having to ask to get out stresses me to no end.

Final thoughts on seats, I’m a Cabana fan, and this is why. There are two easy, cooled, sun-shaded spots to rest and walk in at all times. The afternoon games might be able to convince me otherwise just due to the sun, but for evening games, Cabana is the way to go.

5. Ear Protection Options

Walgreens and got the swimmer silicone earplugs

Finally, as you know, the Bounce House can get loud! You should think about ear protection for your baby. Honestly, I was not well-prepared for game number 1 this year. The morning of, I started frantically searching all the stores to buy the baby earmuffs and struck out! I even ordered them the next day, and they still aren’t here!

Plus, my baby is anti-anything on her head, so even when they get here, I’m not sure if it will be worth the wait. What I did do in the meantime, though, is stop by Walgreens and got the swimmer wax earplugs!

They have been perfect, and after an initial scratch or two, she just leaves them alone. Plus, they are super cheap!

From One Knight Mama To Another

I hope this helps all you new Knights mamas out there! Comment below if you want to hear anything else about my experience bringing my baby to a knights football game!

Also don’t for get to check out our Knights Fan Sticker Collection!

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